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The Hidden Costs of Closed-Source E-commerce Solutions

The Hidden Costs of Closed-Source E-commerce Solutions

Closed-source solutions attract customers with quick setup and all-under-one-roof perception. Though they are easy to set up and use, these solutions do come with hidden costs that will not only impact business scalability but at times limit its growth. This blog uncovers those hidden costs and understands their long-term implications.

Escalating Monthly Fees

The biggest charm of closed-source e-commerce solutions is the low initial cost. However, as the business grows and needs more features to handle higher transaction volumes, then probably it demands to shift to a high-cost package resulting in a skyrocketing monthly fee. This scalability pricing model starts eating profits as your business starts to take off.

Transaction Fees

Some closed-source platforms charge transaction fees in addition to payment gateway fees. They can be overlooked in the beginning, but they add up fast when sales volume increases. This is especially a trouble for high-volume sellers.

Limited Customization

Customization restrictions in a closed-source environment result in an additional investment in certain scenarios. If specific features or integrations are not available, then the business might need to hire expensive developers for custom development.

Dependency on the Provider

Dependency on the provider for updates, new features, and bug fixes is another aspect of closed-source solutions. Slow response to innovation by providers or not prioritizing demanding features that are crucial for business, then businesses look for workarounds that add up cost.

Data Portability Issues

Migrating from a closed-source platform can be challenging and expensive at times as some platforms may not allow easy export of all data. This potentially results in a costly and time-consuming migration process in case of switching.

Limited Integration Options

Closed-source platforms offer integrations but are limited to the integrations they choose to support. To connect with a specific tool or service that isn't supported, go for expensive custom development or adopt manual processing.


Forced Upgrades

Closed-source providers often upgrade platforms at scheduled times and dates and businesses must follow that timetable. This may cause unexpected downtime, compatibility issues with existing setups, or sometimes a forced new pricing tiers adoption.

Hidden Infrastructure Costs

Closed-source solutions have limitations with bandwidth and storage and require more pay or package upgrades as the site/business grows. Furthermore, some platforms place restrictions on product count or number of orders, forcing customers to move to higher-priced tiers with business expansion.

Opportunity Costs

Finally, the opportunity cost of missing notable features due to a closed-source platform is noteworthy. Whether it is an implementation of advanced features, a decision to enter new geographical locations, or a quick response to changing market needs opportunity cost will be associated with closed-source platform options.

These hidden costs are particularly important for a point of sale like RMH users. The inability to tightly integrate an eCommerce store with the RMH system or difficulty in customizing an online store to match the unique business developments can result in inefficiencies and missed opportunities.


Every platform has its pros and cons. Similarly, closed-source solutions can be appropriate for some businesses, but at the same time, it's fundamental to think about the long term and consider the total cost of ownership instead of looking for initial pricing only. Understanding these hidden costs helps make an informed decision about e-commerce platform selection, potentially saving significant money and eliminating future worries.



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