Are you running a hybrid business environment? While it comes with its advantages of offering both the business and the customer more opportunities and options it brings with itself the complicated nature of the business that adds to the complexities of management and overwhelms the management team. There are many added things to handle that are crucial to managing any hybrid business successfully but one of the most significant is the need to ensure that disparate system that comprises the hybrid system are working together in a unified manner: the successful harmonious working of two disparate systems in a hybrid environment constitute a big role in deciding the success of it.
In a world so abundant with data and its reliance on it one thing that is necessary when it comes to ensuring the proper working of the hybrid business is the consistency of data across each of its relevant platforms. Of course, in business, the cycle of processes is dependent on the data and processing of it at different stages of the business system and in a hybrid environment, all of these processes don’t occur on a single solution. Thus, the significance of ensuring that the data across different platforms in such a system is aligned and shared properly is very important for its proper functioning. This article discusses how the x2xeCommerce RMH-Shopify solution helps ensure the syncing of two platforms.
Why is ensuring data synchronization important in a hybrid system?
Understanding why something is necessary holds great significance in truly admiring its importance. Our life whether business or personal is based on information: things get input into our life or the business system, get processed, and then the results are achieved. However, how we process any information and what results we get is very much dependent on the input that we’re given; imagine baking a cake following the wrong recipe and getting something unexpected out of the oven. In a business environment, a worse outcome could result if data fed into your business processes is wrong or outdated.Â
Since the processes in a hybrid system are dependent on the data and processes from multiple other solutions ensuring the right data is fed to each process from one solution to the other is crucial; otherwise, the functioning of the whole business system could lose a great deal of its efficiency, producing multitude of error and incurring great loss.Â
Why integration solutions like x2x RMH-Shopify are important?
In an environment, where a lot of data is regularly being produced it’s not feasible to ensure the syncing of data manually. Not only, this will consume a lot of resources and time but will also involve human errors, and still be unable to cope with the timely demand of ensuring data synchronization at frequent intervals. Therefore, a need for a solution that automizes the syncing process is important to realize here and the x2x RMH-Shopify integration solution is the perfect answer. Let’s see how the x2x RMH-Shopify integration solution helps in ensuring and tracking that the data is synced between the two platformsÂ
Information panel:
Since the consistency of data is very important to ensure between the two platforms the x2x RMH-Shopify interface offers an information panel for the customer that displays all the relevant fields and their values to the user. This panel serves as an intermediary ground for the users allowing them to ensure and verify what values will be uploaded to Shopify. Furthermore, this is an interactive panel enabling users to control and apply various syncing functions on each product as per their requirement and allowing them to control how the syncing process should continue when the item is uploaded to Shopify.Â
Verifying the syncing of products:
In the syncing process involving many products on two different platforms, the verification of syncing status holds great importance. If for some reason the products aren’t synced, then you run the risk of incurring loss and providing a bad customer experience. For example, if a certain item has run out of stock on your RMH and the quantity didn’t get synced then you can risk overselling the item, only to later inform your customer that the item has run out of stock and leaving the customer dissatisfied.Â
To prevent such things from happening it’s, therefore, important to ensure that your products are synced and if any are left behind, they’re tackled in a timely fashion to avoid any inconvenience. Again, manually going to each product on RMH and Shopify and matching all the values is not a desirable scenario to ensure that they are in sync. The x2x RMH-Shopify integration solution makes it possible to easily track and verify the syncing status of the products in the information panel and activity log of its PMP and Order Manager module.
Both the PMP and Order Manager module features a product web ID column that holds the product ID of the same product on Shopify. Once the product has been uploaded to the webstore and it’s synced between RMH and Shopify then this field gets populated signifying that a successful connection has been established between the two solutions for this product.
Establishing a connection between the product is not enough rather it must also be ensured that the up-to-date data has been synced between the two platforms. This need is fulfilled and verified by the sync status checkbox provided in the activity and information panel of the Order Manager and PMP module, respectively. If the box has been checked then this signifies that currently Shopify reflects the current information on RMH. When the RMH is updated, and data is exported to PMP or Order Manager this checkbox shows no tick unless the new data is uploaded to Shopify.
Given the complex and dependent nature of hybrid businesses integration has become an essential tool to ensure the accuracy of operation and keep your disparate system aligned helping you reach a unified business management solution and manage your hybrid operations with accuracy. A properly designed integration solution not only facilitates the comprehensive functionality of integrating your solutions but also provides convenient ways to monitor and ensure that your solutions are in sync and the x2xeComemrce RMH-Shopify integration solution exemplifies this.
If you’re looking for an integration solution for these two solutions or any other solution in the ERP, POS, or eCommerce domain then the x2xeCommerce can help you implement an integration solution that serves your need. An example of another integration solution by the x2xeCommerce is The x2xeCommerce RMH-WooCommerce integration solution. Reach out to the x2xeCommerce for any query or a free demo.